An unorganized collection of random thoughts

The fear of failure will either make you do it right or not do it at all. The choice rests solely in your hands.

Don't try to change the world. Try changing one life. That will, in due course, change the world.

Your goal can remain constant, but your approach to it should constantly evolve with time.

*We are often self-deprecating with our self-imposed ideals, values and misguided paths causing an endless circle of self-inflicted pain and unhappiness.

Let’s learn to let go. To be oneself and not follow the herd. To believe in our own passion rather than society’s requirement of what is expected of us.*

You are a story waiting to be written. It is upon you to make sure it is a good one.

Knowing that life is probabilistic and so is success, be aware that the quality of your peer group is an important variable. Surround yourself with the right people.

Don't blame your circumstances or your background. Create your own escape and power on.

Look inside yourself and you will find a source of serenity.

You are in best company when you are by yourself.

***In most cases, inventions and innovations can’t be singled out to a particular moment of brilliance. They are often the culmination of extensive hard work done collaboratively by a motivated team with positive aspirations.

Trust the process.***

It does not matter whether people agree or disagree with your thoughts. It only matters whether or not you made them think.

The value you see in other people’s specific talent is generally inversely proportional to the quantum of the same talent you posses.

Knowing that growth and success are endlessly iterative, feeling “successful” might actually be a failure.

Dying will get difficult sooner than you would believe.

Improved life expectancy will stifle the pace of innovation. After all, shorter life = higher sense of urgency.

How we manage & use our time when we’re busy doesn’t define us. How we manage & use it when we’re free does.

Stop aping and start creating.

You just need to be as good as you can be. Being competitive with the world is detrimental to the tapping of your own personal potential.

Discipline > Everything else

You don't always need to reinvent the wheel. But you absolutely must adopt it quickly.

Never to seek, never to know. Never to accept, never to grow.

The futility of life, yet all the joys of living it.

*An organization is nothing but a platform for its employees to pursue their individual passions.

This is why, as an entrepreneur, your biggest responsibility is to make sure that you hire people whose passions and purpose align with your company's.*